
神谷浩史 ☆ ハレヨン 應援中 #0827

神谷浩史 ☆ ハレヨン 應援中 #0827

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

New wallpaper, New banners, New name ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ) DANCE (ノ ̄ω ̄)ノ

What do you think? 新的壁紙, 新的照片, 新的BLOG NAME

然後呢, 我的幸運數字是13所以就取名為 

[ メカクシ団 ☆ NO. 13 ] Mekakushidan No. 13

話說, 最近訂購了 JIN 自然之敵 的 專輯
(應該是MEKAKUCITY Soundtrack 才對) MaRia 的 daze

絕讚!! 所以最近經濟是比較困難的..
而且還訂購了UTAPRI的周邊 (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)
經濟悲劇啊~~~ 最近都在大出血的說...



daze/days [w/ DVD, Regular Edition]

For more info on this album:


The Kagerou Project (カゲロウプロジェクト "Heat Haze Project"), also known as "Kagerou Daze" (カゲロウデイズ "Heat Haze Daze"), is a Vocaloid song series created by Jin (also known as Shizen no Teki-P). The story revolves around the Mekakushi Dan, a group of teenagers with unusual eye-related powers.

The series became popular on the video sharing website Niconico after the release of the song "Kagerou Daze", which also gave the series its name. The song has amassed over 3 million views and is the most popular song of the project. Four light novels have been released, written by Jin and illustrated by Shidu. 

(From wikipedia)



A new start and a new blog~

Anyway, some may ask what does the title RIBOOT mean.
Well, just to answer your question, recently I am addicted to this voice from a singer called RIB りぶ

りぶ is an utaite born in Japan, who speaks (and sings) proper English (like fluently) Just PERFECT
I am attracted to his voice and I had this urge to buy his albums and I DID!
He has two albums RIB ON and RIBOOT

Riboot as Reboot, means a new start, replaced the E with an I symbolizes he starts on a new journey

Yes I have bought these albums, am deeply in love with his music.
No one has ever seen him except those fans who went to his events.
Whoever wants some good music, feel free to google his name and listen to his songs.

You will never regret buying his albums or listen to his songs

Anyway, back to my own story. I have joined this carnival committee and it is a pleasure to be part of the team. It is pretty fun to organise own contest/event. It is quite challenging but fun!

Thursday, November 29, 2012


To be honest, I have forgotten about this blog.. So sorry.. 
I will try to update my blog more often, I promise! 
I just came back from KL this afternoon.. 
KL is a good place for shopping indeed but traffic is always a problem..
Yes.. I shopped a lot.. LOL.. I bought new shirts and shoes.. Hehe..
I spent most of my money on anime figures actually..
Hehehehe.. I bought these at Pavilion, a 'must go' shopping mall in KL~~~ 
And my purse is getting slimmer and slimmer..
Why?? I don't really think that my purse should on diet.. I even hope it will be fatter..
Sad.. Really need to look for a part time job or else I will be broke.. T^T

Another 'must go' is Mid Valley Mega Mall.. I bought Luffy's puzzles...
It took me 2 hours because the pieces are small.. 

And for today, I would like to recommend COOL J-POP songs to everyone..
The singer is one of the famous seiyuus in Japan, Suzumura Kenichi..
He is very popular in the field of voice-acting..
Like Lavi from D Gray man, Hikaru from Ouran HSHC, Okita from Gintama, etc.

The first song that I love is Shiroi Karasu! The ending song for the anime CODE BREAKER!
I love it! The anime is cool even the song is cool.. 
I like the guitar.. Kyyyyaaa~~ Wonder when I will take guitar lesson.. =(
The second song is in my space! 
I found the song when I was checking the Oricon chart one day..
I downloaded the song just for fun.. I didn't really listen to the song..
To be honest, I was not attracted to the song at all.. 
But after my NSW HSC exam, I started to listen to this song.. 
OMG.. Its a cool song.. I recommend these songs to you guys.. 
If you have time and also a fan of J-POP, why don't you try to search for these songs?
Trust me, these songs are cool! =)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


La Storia Della Arcana Famiglia [アルカナ・ファミリア (日) 魔力家族/圣灵妖精 (华) ] 是7月的新番!


STORY (故事大纲) :
There's an organization, called Arcana Famiglia, which protect the island from outside threats and danger. The Famiglia is made up of people who have made contracts with the Arcana cards, and have received special abilities due to this. On his birthday celebration, the "Papa" has decided it's time for him to retire and give up his seat to a new male who has control over an Arcana. To decide who in the "family" gets this seat, he calls for a tournament, called Arcana Duello, between Arcana-users. To the winner, he promises the "Papa" seat, a wish of the winner's choice... And his daughter's hand in marriage. Refusing to accept this, Felicitá decides to fight to choose her own path, with her friends Liberta and Nova fighting for her freedom by her side.(From Wikipedia)

这部新番ANIME很值得推荐的原因是因为这个故事还有CAST!每一张Tarot card 代表一种力量.. 比如说,女主角 FELICITA 的Arcana牌是恋人们 (GLI AMANTI) 第VI张牌..女主角就有可以感应身边的人心中的想法.. 她是Arcana Famiglia的首领的女儿.. 她的拳脚功夫很强,尤其是她的踢腿功,哇老~真的超酷的.. 她的武器是两把黑色的小刀,是[剑]的干部,而她的声优是能登麻美子.. 另外还有6个男主角呢.. 第一男主是LIBERTA, 第一张Arcana牌 IL MATO 愚者.. 是我目前认为最强的Arcana力量.. (可惜他还不能完全控制这个力量所以有也等于没有).. 在第一集的时候,[愚者]的力量有被解放,所以得以挣脱PACE的Arcana力量.. 武器是一把大刀,[谍报]的干部,声优是福山润.. 男主NOVA是FELICITA的cousin(我不知道是哪一种啦..) 所以和女主是青梅竹马.. 是第13张牌 LA MORTE 死神... (和LIBERTA一样不能完全控制arcana力量).. Wikipedia说他的力量是让人沉睡... 武器是一把武士刀,是[圣杯]的干部,声优是代永翼.. 还有青梅竹马三人组的DEBITO, PACE 和 LUCA.. 声优分别是吉野裕行,杉田智和和中村悠一.. 分别继承了 [IX] LEREMITA 隐者,[XI] LA FORZA 力量 和 [XIV] LA TEMPERANZA 节制.. DEBITO的武器是两把银色的枪,LUCA偶尔会用和FELICITA一样的小刀.. DEBITOA是[金货]的干部,PACE是[棍棒]的干部,LUCA是FELICITA的管家(==)...... 最后两个是DANTE和JOLLY.. 他们都是在ARCANA FAMIGLIA里面担任高职位的干部.. 老实说我不清楚他们到底算不算是主角.. 

OPENING和ENDING都超好听的.. 可惜要等到8月8号才可以下载/买FULL SONG~OP 是Magenta Another Sky,ED是Pieces of Treasure.. ED是由LIBERTA 和 NOVA 所唱的.. 第一次听的时候是满无聊的.. 越听就越好听啦~最近也在追7月新番 UTA KOI.. 是关于100首的日本恋爱的诗歌.. 满好笑的但是并不会很好看..恩.. 应该说故事编排有点乏味吧.. 可是也是有笑点.. OP和ED很意外的满酷的.. OP是由ECOSYSTEM唱的, ED是由SOUL'D OUT唱的.. ED的歌词..老实说是满废的.. 我现在也正在下载SWORD ART ONLINE.. 看那个INFO和照片感觉是很好看.. 看了再告诉你们我的想法.. XP 我已经下载PERSONA 4,SKET DANCE (只到51集 T^T).. 我一直在ISOHUNT找SKET DANCE第52集onwards可是找不到.. 大部分的torrent都超过1GB.. 


Wednesday, July 11, 2012


我回来了~~ 好久没有update我的BLOG了~~ 哈哈哈..
我太忙了.. 今年是college的最后一年(Grade 12)了~~
假期也快结束了.. 下个礼拜一开学... 妈妈米呀~ 我都还没做我的assignments耶!
IPT的assignment是作完了.. 但是还有5个还没有开始做.. 这次一定惨了...
Week 5 (8月) 是我的NSW TRIAL EXAM 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊~ 我一点心理准备也没有啊..
我只希望我可以拿到高分.. 至少给我每个subject BAND 5!!! 拜托拜托~~
我承认这个假期我都在浪费我的时间.. 我一直在休息.. 没办法,我last term真的过得很凄惨..
虽然Term 1和Term 2都过得满愉快的,因为有excursion啦,和朋友也处得很愉快..
但是功课,测验,考试,assignments超级多的!! 这就是最凄惨的地方...
不过因为我有很多假期是真的.. (不过星期六要去学校耶.. =( )
距离NSW HSC EXAM还有3个月... 惨.. NSW Exam是在15/10.. T^T
过完生日就是NSW Exam.. 有多"lucky"啊... T^T
下个礼拜五又有PNG Written Expression Exam.. 有资料要读我都不管..
哎... 我真的真的惨了.. 下个Term也要拿我的report card..
我只希望我拿到好成绩啊... 千万不要fail Economics, Maths A和Physics...
(我知道我这次一定fail我的Christian Living的..) Christian Living考试我根本就没有读..
整个考试我都在发呆... 一边看题目一边转笔Ting Tong Tiang (Multiple choice)..
Short Answer和Extended Response我都在写Jesus的好,God有多伟大..
我一定完蛋... T^T 不过我对我的Physics有信心.. 因为我读的都有出..
幸好没有考Quanta to Quarks不然我一定死翘翘因为我根本不明白那个topic在说什么...
哎... 我希望我Term 3的Trial Exam还有那个HSC Exam,每个subject都拿到at least BAND 5...
这样我就死而无撼了.. (我说真的...)

Sunday, February 26, 2012


好想回家.. 回去槟城,我真正的家..
我真的好累.. 最近发生很多事让我觉得很烦..
我快疯了.. 快死了.. 该怎么办才好?
对着这里的朋友每天开开玩笑.. 但是回到家就有一种很悲的感觉..
我家里发生的事.. 很多事让我觉得很无奈..
该长大了! 该成熟了! 该学会独立! 该懂事! 该会为别人想了!
但是我做不到.. 我承认我是自私的.. 我能怎么办..
我该怎么办.. 我该怎么做.. 感觉我的世界是灰色的..
最近学会了忍耐与接受... 忍那个伤害我家人的人..
接受一个全新环境... 忍那个伤害我爸的人..
一直在忍.... 也试着去接受..
好累哦..... 我到底什么时候才能离开...


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

「14/02/2012」 Happy Valentine's Day ☆ 情人节快乐

情人节快乐!! Happy Valentine's Day!!

送给你们一盒巧克力~ Yummy~ 
(虽然我是个不喜欢吃巧克力的人.. XP)
